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Graphology Assessments

Job competence is achieved through a combination of knowledge, skills, experience, temperament, intelligence, aptitudes and personal qualities. Skills tests, aptitude assessments, career history and qualifications usually give reliable evidence of technical ability and past performance, but significant personality factors can often be overlooked or misjudged. Handwriting analysis is very useful for filling in some of these gaps and providing information not easily assessed from application forms and interviews.

Personality in the Workplace

From various surveys, it has been found around 85% of problems at work are personality-related. As many managers have unfortunately discovered from personal experience, employing the wrong person can be very costly in more ways than one. Temperament, attitude and behaviour are just as important as qualifications and technical competence but much harder to assess at a selection interview.

Company Culture

Companies, like individuals, have their own personality (or culture). This explains why people who are happy and successful in one company are unhappy doing a similar job in a different one. With an understanding of company culture, a person description and job description, handwriting analysis can provide managers with useful, focused assessments to complement other selection procedures.

Benefits of Handwriting Analysis in staff selection:

Used alongside a well structured interview, handwriting analysis provides a cost-effective aid to recruiting the right person for the job:

  1. It does not involve testing or complicated questionnaires and for candidates is non-threatening and non-intrusive.
  2. It is objective – based entirely on handwriting. Therefore judgements are not influenced or prejudiced by physical factors such as appearance, age, sex, race, colour etc.
  3. It can identify inner conflicts and tension concealed below the surface.
  4. It can assess attitude to authority and other important factors that can affect relationships and harmony in the workplace.
  5. It is cost-effective and easy to administer, involving no additional time, effort or paperwork.
  6. It aids efficiency by helping managers select the best people and place them where their skills and personal qualities can be fully utilised and developed.

For more information about using handwriting analysis for staff selection, placement and development contact Handwriting Analysts International – www.hai.in