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sigmund freud - famous for his theories of unconscious mind

Freud’s handwriting may be surprising if referred to the cliche of the founder of psychoanalysis silently listening to his patient lying on the sofa and sitting behind him not to interfere anyhow with the free flowing of images and memories coming from the unconscious of the patient undergoing analysis.

Sigmund Freuds’s handwriting exhibits that he is a person of strong emotions, which have great influence on his thinking and ultimate decisions.  Feelings are likely to weigh more than cool objectivity and he is very likey to have emotional outbursts, feelings with deep highs and lows.  The hallmark of his handwriting is  the very less spacing between each word and sentence which indicates his deep interest in the involvement with people.

There is also a strong element of orignality in freud’s writing; a unique talent for creating without precedent and the ability to individualize his own expression.

n fact, his whole handwriting suggests the image of a direct, strong interpersonal interaction, based on a deep need of connecting with others (Forward Slant) through an unending search for provocations (Sharp) to elicit a response and consequently the opening up and manifestation of the Other, either a patient, a colleague or an enemy. Therefore, to be silent and let the other talk was, for him, very difficult, as Freud patently belongs to the Assault Temper: his personality is characterized by the sign Sharp fully yielding its three requirements of angularity, narrow letters and tall letters, suggesting a sharp intelligence and drive to contradiction, appearing in a noteworthy recklessness and passionate way (Rushing).

His intelligence is highly original (Methodically Uneven) and therefore capable of deeply creative intuitions also in a psychological field (Sinuous), where it is powerfully rooted. Intuition proceeds according to the sharp intelligence’s typical way, therefore “going to the truth by means of sampling, contradicting, discarding, sorting“(3) and this tortuous way of proceeding strengthens his memory because this subject assimilates results through fight (Sharp, Forward Slant).

Freud’s mind does not belong to a rational, clear-minded scientist, but to somebody feeling the power in his own intuitions and defending them in any possible way (A Angles and B Angles above average); though he does not possess the ability of net linking, therefore his intuitions remain isolated and cannot be connected in a theory.

May be somehow surprising that this bright investigator of the unhealthy human mind had himself such an unquiet personality (Sharp, Rushing), so contaminated by irrationality (dark, Off-and-on Carved I, Flourishes of Mythomania) almost to the limit of being himself overwhelmed by his drive to contradiction so strong and immediate (Sharp, Forward Slant, Rushing), by his emotionality, by his need to be always, anyway, right(A Angles, Off-and-On Carved I) to the point to exhaust his own physical resources (not to mention the others’), because his personality is always set on self-defence, as the whole world, by means of projection, reflects on him this drive to contradiction and attack he has to defend himself from, but really belongs to him.

In many ways, we can say Freud could investigate the world of irrationality because he felt its power and charm, he joined it. As his intelligence was sharp, therefore more interested in pointing out the negative side of the observed phenomena, he saw it as a destabilizing and ominous world against which we have to defend ourselves:

But in order to explore the unconscious world, somehow we have to be prepared to experience it directly, meaning actually either to allow us to live up this experience, or to live it so deeply ourselves to be utterly incapable to deny it, ; and in his unrelentingly materialistic point of view we can see his desire to bring reason and order to the human psyche and to dominate the obscure forces he felt inside himself and were to be brought to light through the strictly defined-in order to control the unconscious- therapeutic practice he had elaborated.